When a customer pays their account and requests the account to be
reactivated, you must go into Worldgroup. To reactive the account, do the following:

  1. Take the information down on the Account Activation form indicating that this will be a "Take Off Hold" account. If you are uncertain as to what type of account the customer had (local unmeasured or local 200) check their file so you will know what class to reactive them in.

  2. Go into Worldgroup, found on the Windows 98 computer or the Windows 95 computer and take the following steps:
  1. Double-click on the Worldgroup Manager icon on the desktop.
  2. Double-click the Lake Country Online icon.
  3. Under "Select A Service", click the button under the word "File".
  4. The options for "Select A Service" will apear. Select the first Service, which is "Asysop". Click on "Go".
  5. This will bring you to the "Remote Sysop Menu".
  6. Click on the "Account" Tab.
  7. Click on "Find".
  8. Enter the customer's username.
  9. Click on "OK" or "Find".
  10. Make the change from "Suspended" (or if they are on Hold) to their appropriate class.
  11. Click on "Save".
  12. Click the "X" in the upper corner of each window to close completely out of Worldgroup Manager.